Thursday, March 27, 2008

Qichen County

Jeff went to Qichen County today with our guide and 3 other parents. They visited the orphanage as well as the places where the babies were found. It was quite an experience. The area is very poor so the living conditions are not good. The orphanage does the best they can but they have limited resources. We got the names of Grace's foster parents, but we did not get to meet them.

Meanwhile Grace, Grant, and I had a good day of just lounging around the hotel and a little shopping. Grace loves to go places and look at all the sights. Everywhere we go, people stop us and smile at the babies. Our guide told us that most people here are happy that these babies are being adopted by Americans. They say she is very lucky, but I think we are the lucky ones.

We went to McDonald's for lunch. Grant said it was the best big mac he ever ate. We also had Pizza Hut take-out for supper, so it was an American food day.

We fly to Guangzhou tomorrow at 6 pm. Thanks to all who are sending emails. It's great to hear from home.

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